Kamis, 03 Desember 2009



who know about appointment ?
okay this is definition of APPOINTMENT . APPOINTMENT is to tell us or someone that you will definitely do something .

guys , if you want to making appointment . you can look this example :
  1. i do like make appointment with Asrie Dewayani .
  2. i'd like you come and see.
  3. i will go on diet
  4. can i come and see..
sometimes u can cancelling an appointment too .
  1. i know a have appointment with you tonight but i can't do it
  2. i'm sorry , buti can't do it.
beside it you can accepting an appointment too .
  1. be there on time
  2. all right , see you there
  3. deal , sob !

* that is picture when we ate on Tantia cafe . before it we making appointment for eat together there.

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